Let go of Judgement

Every so often I catch something especially sneaky making its way into my conversations, my thoughts and my interactions: judgment. It comes off as innocent at first, but I always wind up feeling sad and disconnected. That’s because judgment quietly but swiftly drains your happiness and blocks you from inner peace. Read on for how to be happier…
Judgment weakens your power and literally saps your strength. I recently felt this firsthand when I noticed myself casually trash-talking. I wasn’t necessarily saying anything really mean or untrue, but it was trash-talking nonetheless. Afterwards I felt awful. My energy was low and I was weak. After witnessing how my words had weakened my power, I decided to change my ways. That moment I started counting how many days I could refrain from judgement. It’s been seven days now and I feel more energized, more connected to others and more powerful! In the past seven days I’ve had judgmental thoughts but I haven’t pursued them. When I notice judgement arise, I forgive the thought and choose again. This commitment to release judgement is setting me free.
Judgment keeps you from pace. The reason is simple: Judgment creates separation. A Course in Miracles says, “The ego cannot survive without judgment. The ego seeks to divide and separate. Spirit seeks to unify and heal.” Though judgment may be our default, unity is our truth. The moment we release judgment, unity is restored. Each shift from judgment to unity is a miracle. Join me in counting days of judgment and raising our high vibes! Gabby Bernstein

Mirror Work

Positive affirmations plant healing thoughts and ideas that support you in developing self-confidence and self esteem, and creating peace of mind and inner joy.
The most powerful affirmations are those you say out loud when you are in front of your mirror.
"I am safe!" — Louise Hay #affirmations #positive #quotes #happinessBecause the mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. It makes you immediately aware of where you are resisting and where you are open and flowing. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life.

The ISTJ Personality

Memory and Effectiveness - Honoring structures and tradition white creating systems to get things done. ISTJ are very industrious.

10 year old position - In touch with how things are making them feel. Can cause them to be over sensitive, which makes it difficult to make relationship. It becomes necessary to create systems to not allow feelings to get in the way of relationships and be able to stay in leadership position.

ISTJ - Can be sensitive, creates prides. More sensitive then they let people know. Creates a brick wall demeanor. Very careful about who they let in. Very responsible personality type, buy likes to participate in childlike play. Quirky sense of humor.

Letter to a Light Worker

Letter to a Lightworker:

I believe that you came into this life with a deep inner knowing of what you were here to do and an inner guidance system to make it happen.

I’m not talking a carefully laid out path which comes with an instruction manual, rather an unshakable deep seeded knowing that you’re here for a reason, there is serious work to do and the universe will support you in doing it.

I believe until you answer this calling you will always feel like there is something missing and something you have forgotten. No matter what you use to numb it out, it will be there. The only way to stop the calling is to answer it.

I believe that your message is so deeply engrained in you that sometimes it’s hard to realise that everyone doesn’t think like you. They don’t.

I believe you chose your parents. No matter how hard or soft, rich or poor, light or dark, old or young, present or not, kind or troubled – you chose them. And with this simple selection you were put in exactly the right place and given exactly what you need to inspire you to rise up, up into yourself. To take your position.

I believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt happened for you not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you open.

I believe that life lessons are less about getting it right and more about getting it wrong.

I believe that you are more on track than you feel, even if you don’t feel it – especially if you don’t feel it. For the further you get off track, the closer you actually are to abandoning the wrong one and leaping over to the right one.

I believe that you are closer than you think and more qualified in your message than you could ever fathom.

I believe that the things that you are here to teach are the very things that you most need to learn, and that the best teachers are the ones that struggle the most because when they get it they get it with a triple smack down.

I believe that you are surrounded by your own personal team of angels, guides and teachers both in this world and beyond that are so completely devoted to your growth that if you knew, you would not spend one more day worrying about things working out. And if you could see things from their viewpoint… each time you’d see a challenge, you would meet it with a cheer.

I believe in you. And us. And all of this.

And so it is.

Words by Rebecca Campbell as featured in Light is The New Black

Letter to a Light WorkerFootage and editing by Shaun Richards.

The Strength of Women

Women act with their heart. They go forward vulnerable, soft and strong. A woman will guide and direct according to the feelings of the heart and bring about mighty change in the world.
When women are in unity, they are unstoppable. They build each other up and lift each other out of darkness to see the light once more. I have seen them hold space for safety and security for one another. When they do that, their strength grows, changes, and combines to create beauty and harmony.
Women can truly change the world. Their influence isn’t loud and brash, but refined, sweet, and flowing. It is the most magnificent thing I have had the honor to witness. The Strength of Women

Gratitude Every Day

There are many ways that you can “do” gratitude, but one thing is for sure, daily is important.
Person writing in a journalOne of the most common and easy to implement methods of building gratitude into your daily practice is with a Gratitude Journal. Simply take a notebook, which can be lined or not, and date it with today’s date. You could use a “journal” if you want, or a $.70 notebook. I use a Panda Planner, which has space to write down the top three things I’m grateful for each day. If you’re artistic and like to express through drawing, you can doodle pictures of the things you’re grateful for. There is power in writing things down, so I recommend you write rather than type, but do what you prefer—and what you know you can follow through on.
Being intentionally grateful doesn’t have to take a long time. In fact, start with just 2 minutes! It may expand from there, but 2 minutes is enough to get you in the mindset of gratitude and begin experiencing all of those awesome side-effects that I referenced earlier.Gratitude Every Day

Divine Light

What is Divine Light?
 Light is the greatest energy there is and is absolutely essential to bring forth into the world. It is the connection to God’s love and wisdom. Everything is empowered by Light. Beyond evolution there is Light. Within all beings is Light. Embracing all is God’s Light. Focus on this Light strengthens and empowers us. It is the one action that can assist all situations with the blessing of Light. Light carries God’s intelligence and Love. From Light all comes into being. Into Light all dissolves. Light is the thread that carries communication with all that is. When people begin to use the gift of light, it will change their being. Conscious use of this attribute is the most simple asset offered by God. Focus on Divine Light clears away the darkness of confusion and hatred. Light changes all efforts into Divine use of the gifts. The Angels live in the Light and offer their assistance to all who call this light into their lives. The rewards are great. Risk is small. Allow Light to empower your work and every journey you face in Life. Allow Light to enlighten you. Light is the one constant within all the world’s religions. They all speak of the Light. Divine Light