Sink Into It

Sink Into It - 
As a birth doula, part of my role is to keep tense mamas relaxed during their labors. I remind women how powerful and absolutely capable they are when the rubber meets the road and their labors get a rocking and rollin'. In almost every birth I've ever attended there comes a time when fear takes over and that exhausted, sweaty, anxious mama cries out, "I can't do this"!
I've seen mothers literally try and crawl over and out of the top of their elevated hospital beds. Many women tense so tightly; feeling the need to clutch and squeeze. They can literally cut off the blood flow to their partner's hand with a death grip. I have seen a mother try and pull out her IV in hopes of making a great escape. Some refuse to push when it comes time because they're experiencing the "ring of fire" and it hurts like hell. But, I tell them once they push past it...pushing actually feels good-- providing both a sense of empowerment and RELIEF!
My role throughout is to convince them that they CAN and they WILL birthe their baby. And to remind them that fighting against the pain makes it so much worse than it really is. In fact, I am known to say (more often than not), "Just SINK into the contraction... breathe and relax into it. Imagine you're melting into warm soft sand or laying back into a gentle oceanic current...come on Mama, sigh with me and welcome your next contraction". The difference in how the latter type of birthing both looks and feels is mind blowing! Women find their rhythm and relax. It's a beautiful thing to watch this shift from fight to surrender. It's transforming. 
So today my question and challenge is this: What are you trying to BIRTHE? How are you fighting against yourself? Are you gripping tightly and white knuckling through-- or are you sinking into your project, business or vision? Giving birth is HARD. I don't sugar coat it with my mama's to be. But, I will tell you what I remind them of--it's the ONLY way you get to hold and see your 'baby'...
Today's Challenge:
1. Identify something you're trying to birth or create?
2. Ask yourself if you're in the early or active stage of birthing? Or perhaps you're ready to bear down and push, but you desperately want to crawl up over the bed and escape. Don't do it! You're almost there! PUSH! GRUNT! There's no way to out, but THROUGH My Darlings. You CAN do it. You were made for this. Picture in your mind actually what it would feel like to see and hold the fruition of all of your hard work. What does it look like...feel like? Maybe you need a birthing partner or cheerleader to support you through this. Who would you choose? Pick someone who believes in you and your ability to do this! Reach out to them TODAY. 
3. If you're in the early or active stage of your labor-- what's one or two (or maybe even three) steps you can take today that gets you closer to the actual birth or manifestation of your goal or project? Don't run. Don't hide. Don't panic. Don't stop. BEAR DOWN! Show up and SINK into the work, the pain, the fear... meet and greet it ALL. By so doing, you're speeding up your entire labor progress. 
4. Lastly, journal about your experience in detail. This activity would lend itself well to art journaling (my favorite). Come back to these pages and add to them throughout the birthing experience of your project/goal. You are AMAZING! Write about it! You BIRTHED this from beginning to end. You deserve to celebrate. Don't forget to write about the Afterbirth!