Bring your Goal to Life by Jennifer Lamprey~🌴
“If you don’t have a vision, nothing happens” - Christopher Reeve-
When I first saw this quote, I was immediately drawn to it. As I have pondered its meaning, I have discovered that, for me, the quote is partially true. I am a visionary. Over many years, I have come to see that I create my life, whether I have a vision or not. I think Christopher Reeve’s might have meant that if we do not have a vision, the things that do happen are usually the things that we don’t want to happen. You see, I create my life. Life happens for better or for worse. My active vision is what opens the way for manifesting those things I really want in my life. 
About 2 ½ years ago, I had a strong vision come to me. I saw in my mind a community of 1,000,000 women. They were standing in a line across the world. Some of them would step forward and lead the others with their unique gifts, then they would step back into line. Other women would then step out and lead with their unique gifts and talents, and so on. I saw this community of women being formed by the year 2020. I also saw that it would be created through online and in-person experiences and gatherings. 
There have been many moments of discouragement, overwhelm, doubt and active limiting beliefs. As I have stepped back into the original vision I had, things have continually become clearer. New pathways have been opened up that bring about the manifestation of the vision. When I step back into the vision, there is always a creation of new connections, new knowledge, new collaborations, and much personal growth. 
I know that many of you might think that you are not a visionary. If so, I would ask- Have you ever imagined anything? Vision is Imagination. Essentially, everybody is a visionary. Consider the following quote:
“Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision. Their goals differed, but they all had this in common: that the step was first, the road new, the vision unborrowed, and the response they received — hatred. The great creators — the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors — stood alone against the men of their time. Every great new thought was opposed. Every great new invention was denounced. The first motor was considered foolish. The airplane was considered impossible. The power loom was considered vicious. Anesthesia was considered sinful. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered and they paid. But they won.”
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
I believe this quote refers to each of you. You have the ability to create something amazing with the vision that is in you. The goal you created for this 14- day challenge may seem unrealistic, unimportant or impossible to achieve. You may have created goals in the past, and have been frustrated by the results.
Today’s challenge is going to help you drown out all that negative chatter you have around goals and goal setting.This will help you break through the fog created by negative experiences around goals. You have within you the ability to create great things.
~Here is the Challenge~
This process should take about 10 minutes. You may feel so connected and clear that you will want to do this for longer than 10 minutes. Or multiple times today. That is great!💛
1. Find a quiet place (mine is the bathroom😁...with three kids and a husband, the bathroom is about the only place in our house that is quiet)
2. Begin saying your goal out loud repeatedly, or in your head.
3. As you say your goal, imagine in your mind that you have already accomplished your goal. What does it look like? What are you doing? How are others interacting with you?
4. Now we want you to feel the experience. Do you feel excited? Creative? Happy? Motivated? Confident? Care-free? Empowered? Optimistic? Peaceful? Satisfied? Thankful? Feelings add power to your thoughts. Ignite both your mind and heart.
5. Open up your imagination to new thoughts and ideas that come through you
6. If an inspired action comes through to mind, do it right away. Taking the action creates more visions to be acted upon. The action lets you experience the reward.
7. Write down your experiences with this… What you saw… What you thought… What you felt
8. Share here on the Facebook event page
9: Enjoy the process and let go of expectations

Balancing your Energy Centers

from Becky Jones Energy Work- The purpose of this challenge is to help you recognize and remove any barriers you have by balancing your energy centers.
What is an Energy Center/Chakra? - When we talk about feeling "open" or "closed" to something it is literally true within our bodies. Energy centers are openings for energy flow in and out of our bodies. They are a source of power to help balance, store, and distribute the abundant unseen energy around us, through our bodies. They help fuel our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental functions. There are 7 major centers down the front your body. Each one has a unique function that helps balance who you are. 
By opening your connection to this abundant energy around you, and creating open and harmonious energy exchange through your energy centers (aka Chakras), you can more fully utilize the power within you to manifest or realize your goals. 
The first step in this exercise is to identify your own energy centers that may not be fully open and harmonious. To do that, I am going to have you do the following: 
1. Get out a piece of paper and pen
2. Begin by taking 3 deep cleansing breaths
3. Write down your answers to the following questions (Yes or No) as truthfully as possible. If any part of the question rings true, mark it down as a "yes": 
1. Do you tend to be fearful, anxious, have poor boundaries and/or focus?
2. Do you tend to be over emotional, have a hard time being intimate, not being in control or feel a disconnect with your sensuality?
3. Do you often feel often like a victim, have chronic fatigue, digestion issues, or feel out of touch with who you really are?
4. Do you suffer from immune issues, feel misunderstood, or have a hard time showing love?
5. Do you often experience PMS, have thyroid issues, or have a hard time speaking up?
6. Do you often get headaches, have insomnia, anxiety, or tend to over intellectualize things?
7. Do you suffer from a mental illness, depression, or do others view you as controlling or spiritually doubtful? 
If you answered YES to any of the questions above (even if it was just one thing within the question) see corresponding number below for your specific daily challenge to help balance your energy centers/chakras (feel free to do them all if you’d like!): 

1. Take a walk today outside in nature. Either take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the sand, grass or dirt, or brush your hand over plants as you walk by. Connect with your outdoor surroundings as you ponder on your desired manifestation goal.
2. Deep Emotional Release- Find a quite place, take 3 deep cleansing breaths, and say these words to yourself out loud, “RELEASE… I release all negative emotions and feelings pertaining to past experiences that no longer serve me. I release and tenderly love myself and forgive all. I let go with ease and know that all things are for my learning and growth.” (repeat as needed through the day. Follow your inspiration on this and allow for emotional processing as needed. Positively focus on your manifestation goal today)
3. Get out and do some high intensity exercise today. While you are doing the exercise, positively ponder on your manifestation goal.
4. Go somewhere quiet where you can be alone and stand with your feet firmly planted. Take 3 deep breaths. Imagine roots growing out of your feet through all layers of the earth, and wrapping around the core of the earth. Imagine light moving up the roots toward you and filling your entire body. Positively focus on your manifestation goal.
5. Write down your feelings today. Take a moment to write down how you are feeling in this moment. Fill up a piece of paper. Set an intention to see all of the “safe” people that bless your life today. Focus positively on your challenge manifestation goal.
6. Take 5 minutes today to mediate. Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths, and focus on your goal in your mind. Let your mind create your vision as needed. If you get side tracked, it’s ok. Just simply bring yourself back to focusing on your challenge goal.
7. Find a quiet place to sit or stand. Take 3 deep breaths and close your eyes. Envision ribbons coming out of the top of your head and going up through the earth’s atmosphere. All the way into the heavens, the unknown. Envision light flowing back down the ribbons and filling your body. Let it flow for a moment, while you are focusing on your manifestation goal. 

Create a New Story!

Create a New Story! 
As I pondered on what to do for this exercise, the word liberty came to mind. This word is a huge piece of my heart.
Here is some of what it says about liberty in the 1828 Noah Webster dictionary.
“LIB'ERTY, noun [Latin libertas, from liber, free.]”
“Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty when no physical force operates to restrain his actions or volitions.”
“Natural liberty consists in the power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature. It is a state of exemption from the control of others, and from positive laws and the institutions of social life. This liberty is abridged by the establishment of government.”
“Freedom of action or speech beyond the ordinary bounds of civility or decorum.”
In order to act in complete liberty, we need a few things.
1. Awareness and education: The word “book” comes from the same latin root as liberty. Just by reading this, you are increasing your education and awareness! In Historical times, the main thing that separated citizens from slaves was their education! Slaves were not allowed to receive formal learning because they knew that education would lead to the abolition of slavery! I mention this because we are all slaves to something in our lives. We are limited in our liberty because of our lack of understanding of truth in some aspect of our experience.
2. Accountability: I have learned in my quest for freedom that it must begin with individuals. We must choose to be accountable for where we are in our lives and for where our choices have led us. This can be painful sometimes and human nature likes to avoid pain and blame someone or something else for our challenges. But, in order to create lasting change and liberty, we must be willing to face those parts we want to ignore.
3. Changing your story: Once we have been accountable for where we are, it is now time to invite something new into our lives. It takes time and patience sometimes to fully manifest these changes, but planting a new seed is the first step to take. Then, we can nurture it and watch it grow into a mature plant bearing fruit.
4. Love, Gratitude, and patience. As we step out of the old story and into the new, be grateful for all you have learned. Be loving and patient with yourself as you practice the new thoughts, feelings, and habits that contribute to your new story. Sometimes you may slip back into the old story. It’s ok! Keep moving forward with gratitude, love, and patience!
Today’s exercise combines all of these concepts and will create shifts in your mind, heart, and body!
It’s time to upgrade your money story! (Or any other story that is preventing you from manifesting your heart)
Whatever you believe in your heart, will be your experience.
We all have had experiences that have shaped our beliefs and perceptions about money. Set the timer and write for 5 minutes about your money story. What experiences have you had? What choices have you made? What beliefs have you held that have contributed to where you are? When the timer is up, list 3 things that you learned from this story and then express gratitude for that learning.
Now! What is the new perception of money that you would like to upgrade to? Set the timer for 8 minutes and write out what you would like to experience instead. Include all the senses. What does it look like? How does it feel? What are you doing and experiencing? Write it all as if it has already happened. When the timer is up, now express gratitude for this new experience that you have just created into existence.

Take An Inventory

Take An Inventory
by Marnie L Pehrson
I’ve been in business since 1990 and over the years, there have been times of slow cash flow. There have also been times when what I was offering became obsolete due to changes in the marketplace. During these times, and even periodically to explore new options, I take an extensive inventory of everything I have at my disposal.
In doing so, I often find that I have acres of diamonds in my back yard. As you work toward your money goal, there are most likely resources all around you that you can use to generate the income you desire.
In this challenge I’ll share with you the process I go through to inventory my assets to generate quick cash and long term revenue streams.
Gifts, Talents and Interests
First, look at your gifts, talents, and interests. Are you a great listener? Do you give excellent advice? Do you have creative skills? Perhaps you enjoy writing, teaching, speaking, creating crafts, encouraging people, rock climbing, music or yoga. Maybe you’re a whiz at meditation. Maybe you are a baby whisperer. 
Make a big list of everything you’re good at – even if you don’t see how in the world it could be monetized.
You most likely have at your disposal some resources that could be sold or monetized. When you inventory your resources, look at the things around your home or office that you don’t use anymore. Maybe you have some rings you never wear. Maybe you have a car sitting out back that doesn’t run, but could be sold for the metal. Maybe you signed up for a multi-level marketing company and have an excess of product.
I’ll give you an example. I once used a particular fat-burning bar to release 60 pounds. I finally got thin enough that I was starting to lose fat in areas that, as a woman, I wanted to keep. I stopped using the bars and had about 10 boxes at the house. While the company wouldn’t let me sell their products on places like ebay, I did have a mailing list.
I mailed my list and said, “Look, I used these fat burning bars to lose 60 pounds and I don’t need to lose any more fat, but I have 10 boxes here. They normally sell for $14 a box, I’ll let you have 10 boxes for $97. They were sold within hours.
You may have an inventory of your own products. Or maybe there are information products or virtual products you’ve created that you haven’t sold recently. You could pull them out of your archives, give them a fresh face-lift, and re-release them.
Maybe you have an excess inventory of a book you wrote that you could sell. Could you bundle the books with another product or service that you’re offering? I’ve offered copies of 2 of my books when people purchase an hour business consult with me for the same price as a consult.
Also look at tools you own that you haven’t monetized. Maybe you have a garden tiller. Could you till your neighbors’ gardens for them for a fee? If you have an industrial sewing machine and yards of material, could you produce something creative with it and sell it at craft fairs? Maybe you have some video editing software and you know how to use it. Could you offer video editing services?
What services do you currently offer, if any? Have you offered services in the past that you could offer again? Maybe you could teach a craft class or piano lessons. For years I taught people how to use computer software from my home. Then I started going out to businesses and teaching their staff how to use software specifically for their company’s needs.
If you’re great with kids, you might offer babysitting or daycare services. If you’re fantastic at decorations, maybe you could do party planning. If you make delicious healthy meals, maybe you could become a personal chef who prepares a week of healthy meals and brings them to people.
Start looking at your gifts, interests and talents and how they could be massaged into services you offer. Or perhaps they could be turned into information products where you teach other people how to do what you know to do. Or maybe you could offer classes at a local community center. Perhaps you could find a rent-by-the-hour office complex and offer classes there. Some local vocational schools hire people to teach classes. Check in your area for opportunities.
Lastly, but certainly not least, inventory the people in your life – especially the people you know who have connections or who have special skills, talents, products or services. How could you joint venture with these people?
It may be that your own teenager has special skills. I was at a mastermind recently and the woman running the mastermind had a 17-year-old daughter who was great at photography. While the mastermind was going on, her daughter did head shots for anyone who wanted one for $36.
This expanded the value of the woman’s mastermind and gave her daughter a way to generate her own income. When you help your children create their own income, that saves you money! Saved money is found money!
If you’re an essential oils rep, you might buddy up with someone who is good at marketing. He or she could come train your team. This would enhance the success of your team and perhaps if someone on your team wanted to purchase the marketing consultant’s products or services you could make an affiliate commission on the sale.
How could you enrich what you do for your existing clients and customers by creating joint-products and services with others? 
How can you earn affiliate commissions by introducing people to what other people are offering?
As you gather your inventory, open your mind to the possibilities. It may be that you come up with an idea that will work really well for you in the next 3 months. It may not be something you want to do long term, but it’s a quick cash crop for you. Other ideas may be more long-term producers.
As you create revenue streams think of them as a garden. You have your summer produce like beans, squash, and cucumbers. They grow for a few months and you can preserve them for later. But they aren’t going to keep growing long term. Then there are fruit trees that may not generate anything edible for years, but when they do start producing, they’ll feed you for a lifetime.
As you review your inventory, look for the short term producers and the long-harvest crops. Have a healthy mix of both.
So it’s your turn. Take out a piece of paper and go through these areas and inventory what you have at your disposal. Then get creative on finding the acres of diamonds in your own back yard.

Work with your Eyes Open

"Work With your Eyes Open"
By Brian Lamprey 
I am a pool builder by trade. For a long time, I had been going to work daily without much thought to what I was doing. I would put my head down, put my time in and go home. I was consigned to the idea that ‘This is what I do.’ ‘This is my life.’ I was not fulfilled. I wanted more. I did not enjoy work, and I was living paycheck to paycheck.
I decided to wake up. I began opening up to the fact that I could be and do what I wanted . I began asking questions about myself and my scenario. I chose to see myself as a business owner. I saw opportunities to grow and develop my talents while remaining in the same line of work. I began seeing that I am the master of my destiny. 
I call this ‘working with my eyes open’. Doing this has opened doors, created opportunities, and instilled confidence in me.
I have become bolder in who I am and what I want. I used to focus mostly on what I do not want. Now I take actions that create business growth and personal growth. Working with my head down was getting me nowhere fast. Working with my eyes open is opening up my world.
Today’s Challenge:
-Make a decision to work with your eyes open today, whether at a job, in school, or in the home.
-Look around you and decide what you would like to be different.
-Ask yourself questions about what you can do to change and improve things. (Focus only on what you can do)
-Write down at least 3 ideas that come to mind. 
-Act immediately on at least one of those ideas
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