Work with your Eyes Open

"Work With your Eyes Open"
By Brian Lamprey 
I am a pool builder by trade. For a long time, I had been going to work daily without much thought to what I was doing. I would put my head down, put my time in and go home. I was consigned to the idea that ‘This is what I do.’ ‘This is my life.’ I was not fulfilled. I wanted more. I did not enjoy work, and I was living paycheck to paycheck.
I decided to wake up. I began opening up to the fact that I could be and do what I wanted . I began asking questions about myself and my scenario. I chose to see myself as a business owner. I saw opportunities to grow and develop my talents while remaining in the same line of work. I began seeing that I am the master of my destiny. 
I call this ‘working with my eyes open’. Doing this has opened doors, created opportunities, and instilled confidence in me.
I have become bolder in who I am and what I want. I used to focus mostly on what I do not want. Now I take actions that create business growth and personal growth. Working with my head down was getting me nowhere fast. Working with my eyes open is opening up my world.
Today’s Challenge:
-Make a decision to work with your eyes open today, whether at a job, in school, or in the home.
-Look around you and decide what you would like to be different.
-Ask yourself questions about what you can do to change and improve things. (Focus only on what you can do)
-Write down at least 3 ideas that come to mind. 
-Act immediately on at least one of those ideas
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