Create a New Story!

Create a New Story! 
As I pondered on what to do for this exercise, the word liberty came to mind. This word is a huge piece of my heart.
Here is some of what it says about liberty in the 1828 Noah Webster dictionary.
“LIB'ERTY, noun [Latin libertas, from liber, free.]”
“Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty when no physical force operates to restrain his actions or volitions.”
“Natural liberty consists in the power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature. It is a state of exemption from the control of others, and from positive laws and the institutions of social life. This liberty is abridged by the establishment of government.”
“Freedom of action or speech beyond the ordinary bounds of civility or decorum.”
In order to act in complete liberty, we need a few things.
1. Awareness and education: The word “book” comes from the same latin root as liberty. Just by reading this, you are increasing your education and awareness! In Historical times, the main thing that separated citizens from slaves was their education! Slaves were not allowed to receive formal learning because they knew that education would lead to the abolition of slavery! I mention this because we are all slaves to something in our lives. We are limited in our liberty because of our lack of understanding of truth in some aspect of our experience.
2. Accountability: I have learned in my quest for freedom that it must begin with individuals. We must choose to be accountable for where we are in our lives and for where our choices have led us. This can be painful sometimes and human nature likes to avoid pain and blame someone or something else for our challenges. But, in order to create lasting change and liberty, we must be willing to face those parts we want to ignore.
3. Changing your story: Once we have been accountable for where we are, it is now time to invite something new into our lives. It takes time and patience sometimes to fully manifest these changes, but planting a new seed is the first step to take. Then, we can nurture it and watch it grow into a mature plant bearing fruit.
4. Love, Gratitude, and patience. As we step out of the old story and into the new, be grateful for all you have learned. Be loving and patient with yourself as you practice the new thoughts, feelings, and habits that contribute to your new story. Sometimes you may slip back into the old story. It’s ok! Keep moving forward with gratitude, love, and patience!
Today’s exercise combines all of these concepts and will create shifts in your mind, heart, and body!
It’s time to upgrade your money story! (Or any other story that is preventing you from manifesting your heart)
Whatever you believe in your heart, will be your experience.
We all have had experiences that have shaped our beliefs and perceptions about money. Set the timer and write for 5 minutes about your money story. What experiences have you had? What choices have you made? What beliefs have you held that have contributed to where you are? When the timer is up, list 3 things that you learned from this story and then express gratitude for that learning.
Now! What is the new perception of money that you would like to upgrade to? Set the timer for 8 minutes and write out what you would like to experience instead. Include all the senses. What does it look like? How does it feel? What are you doing and experiencing? Write it all as if it has already happened. When the timer is up, now express gratitude for this new experience that you have just created into existence.