"Give and Receive"

Give and Receive
By Martina Muir
Breathe in. Breathe out. In and out. 
This is one of the most basic patterns in life. It is everywhere we look. You can see it in nature such as the waves of the sea or our relationship with trees where we give carbon dioxide and breathe oxygen and they take in carbon dioxide and give oxygen. You can see it in creation such the rhythm of lovemaking where one gives and the other receives. And you can see it in spiritual teachings such as the lyrics to a song I often sing in my church “Because I Have Been Given Much, I, too, Must Give”. It’s everywhere. 
In manifesting our goals and desires, this is one of the most powerful principles. It taps into the universal laws of creation (the spiral and back and forth energy), the Law of the Vacuum (a void must be filled) and the Divine Law of Compensation (where loss or the sacrifices we make can qualify us to receive blessings to compensate and bless us) . It also taps into other basic humanity and spiritual laws where when we love and serve others, we can also receive good things, aka karma. 
Let me reiterate this. IN ORDER TO GIVE - WE MUST RECEIVE. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE - WE MUST GIVE. They are one in the same. 
A few years ago, I was seeking to understand this concept deeper. I read, prayed, and meditated. I asked questions and sought answers. The best answer came during a meditation where a visual unfolded in front of my eyes that changed my perspective and to this day, greatly influences me. 
The meditation style that I used was one where I asked a question or set a strong intention and allowed the answer to come. At first, I saw a tree filled with golden and luscious fruit. I walked up to the tree and ate. It was the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten! I could feel the light and love buzzing through my body as I ate. The impression came that it was symbolic of the Divine Love, Light, and Blessings that were awaiting me in this life. 
I could almost hear the Tree/Divine say to me “Come, Eat. Take as much as you want”. It was as if it leaned its branches forward trying to give me all the fruit it had. I felt myself shyly asking for one fruit to feed my hungry soul for that day. And the Tree kept reaching forward as if it said “Take as much as you want”. I felt a little embarrassed because I didn’t want to seem greedy. So I took one to eat now and one to eat later. But then the understanding came into my mind that any fruit saved until tomorrow would spoil so the fruit must be eaten today and I must return each day to ask for more. 
I started to gain some courage. The next day I came to the tree with a bucket and filled it up for my family to each have a fruit. The Tree still encouraged me to take all I want, or could take. I came again and this time with two buckets. One for my family and one to give away. 
I saw myself walking away from the tree with fruit to give away. People started to appear on the path. The first was an emaciated and hungry homeless man. When I gave him a fruit it transformed into a feast before him. Next, I saw a naked woman. My instinct was to flinch and wonder why my mind would show me a perverse image. Instead, I continued the meditation objectively to see what message lay within. When I gave the woman fruit, colorful energy swirled around her body and it turned into clothes. I continued to be shown a few other scenarios where the shared fruit blessed others and filled their need. 
Finally, I understood. The next image I had was me pulling up to the tree with a dump truck so I could fill it completely and have plenty for myself, family and have enough to give away. I could feel the possibilities and was excited at the prospect of good things this fruit could do. The final image shown was seeing myself and each of my children backing dump trucks up to the tree and we filled each of them to the brim. Oh what a JOY! 
This is what is in store for us. They are not separate but one in the same. It is the breathe of manifesting and creating. Just as we would die from lack of oxygen if we only breathed out and never in, we will not be able to manifest or create to our full potential if we only give and not receive. Or be focused on receiving and never giving. If you find an imbalance in your give/receive cycle think of it like a wheels on a machine with one stuck cog. Once we dislodge that one cog then the others start to move again. 
1. GIVE:
Yesterday’s challenge was such a great activity for the GIVE part of this principle. So make sure you do that activity because it will tie into this one! And to enhance the experience even more you can also think about the goal you are wanting to manifest (or receive) and give at least equal or more of that in energy, value, or investment. You can even expand to giving even when people don’t know such as releasing someone from a debt or obligation. Really the possibilities are endless. 
Now this is what I want to really focus on today. And that is the power of RECEIVING. 
How does it feel to receive something we desire? How does it feel when someone serves us without asking anything in return? Really think about what that looks and feels like. Pay attention to any thoughts or feelings where you may want to try to push the receiving away. 
Did you know we receive things each day that often go unnoticed? It’s true. So the activity today is to do two specific things. 
1. Pay attention to the things that come to you throughout the day. It could be someone offering to help you, or a kind word, or a free gift somewhere, or even a beautiful sunset or flowers to bring a smile to your face. DO NOT TURN any of them away - accept them as they come. 
2. ***This is probably the most difficult thing most people struggle with so make this a priority today *** ASK for something you want to receive. It could align with your goal you are manifesting. Or it could be something simple like asking for someone to bring you something, help you, or it could be something that takes a little more courage like asking for a raise at work. ASK for what you WANT. Remember “Ask and it shall be given unto you.” It is a crucial step in receiving our heart’s desires. 
A Personal Experience:
I saw a big miracle of using this activity last Christmas. I was wanting to create more income for my family. I stated the amount of income increase I wanted, prayed, meditated, imagined it happening, and then set out to give away at least that much in any way I could. I released my desire and outcome specifics to God and looked for ways He would provide. I had homeschool curriculum that was worth a lot of money that I gave away for free. I had a piece of furniture that I was going to sell on a yard sale Facebook group and instead posted it as free to the first person to pick up. I gave a few free coaching sessions away to clients. I volunteered at my church for a project. And I served my children and family with extra intention and love. I asked my friends for business referrals. Amazingly within the month, I had many new clients show up and three of them said “I want to prepay and schedule regularly” so I was able to receive a lump sum (to help for Christmas) and a steady client base and they continued beyond those first few sessions. I promise you this works!